Postsecondary Outcomes by Legislative Districts gathers postsecondary metrics from different MI School Data reports and presents them by Michigan legislative district.
The report is updated in early spring. See the Recently Posted Reports page for when the report was last updated.
Postsecondary Outcomes by Legislative Districts lets the user select a legislative district and view postsecondary data for the school districts comprising that legislative district.
Choosing Your Legislative District
- Use the search box to search legislative districts by name, school district, city, county, or office holder name.
- In the Display Field menu, click the arrow to choose what field to see alongside legislative districts. The options are by school district, city, county, or office holder name.
- Click your desired legislative district. The map will update to display the geographic boundary of the legislative district. Small districts may not be easily visible.
- Click the View Data button below the table to open the page displaying data for the selected legislative district.
- To reset all selections on the Legislative District Search page, click the reset selection button.
Sorting Your Data
Sort any tables in ascending or descending order by clicking on a column header. Any blank values will appear at the top of the table when sorting in ascending order.
Viewing Your Data
Use the tabs to switch how and what postsecondary data is shown. Use the menu options above the table to filter the data. The Reset Selection button resets all selections. The back button in the top right of the page will return you to the district search page.
Enrollment by College:
College Enrollment metrics are displayed by college/university for school districts intersecting the selected legislative district.
Enrollment by School District:
College Enrollment metrics are displayed by school district for school districts intersecting the selected legislative district.
Advancement by School District:
Postsecondary college advancement metrics are displayed for school districts intersecting the selected legislative district. School district aggregates and breakdowns are displayed in the data table.
Filtering Your Data
Use the check boxes and drop-down menus above the table to filter the data by different types of entities or to select specific school districts and/or colleges/universities.
To reset your selections, either uncheck the boxes or click the small eraser icon that appears when hovering over a filter. Use the “Reset Selections” button to reset ALL filter selections.
Downloading Your Data
After selecting your data, you can download the data table for further use.
- Hover over the data table to make the ellipsis icon appear just above the upper right corner of the table.
- Click the ellipsis and proceed to the “Export data” option.
- A popup titled “Which data do you want to export?” will appear. No changes to the selection are necessary. (The default is “Data with current layout.”)
- Click the export button at the bottom right corner.
The export function has a row limit of 150,000 rows and will save the data as a .xlsx file. Depending on the size of the table, it may take a few moments for the download to complete, after which the file should appear in the downloads.
Please refer to the About the Data tab for more information about individual data fields.
Postsecondary Outcomes by Legislative Districts contains postsecondary metrics from various MI School Data reports in one place, aimed to provide a picture of the postsecondary enrollment and advancement for school districts comprising a legislative district. The relationships between school districts and legislative districts are determined by the geographic overlap of the districts. This means a single school district may be part of multiple legislative districts.
The postsecondary metrics included display a variety of metrics for recent Michigan high school graduates.
Users can explore further by visiting the reports listed below and can learn about the data, historical changes and more in the About This Report feature in each report.
Postsecondary Data
College Enrollment by High School – College and university enrollment data for Michigan high school graduates.
College Enrollment Destination – Colleges and universities where public high school students enroll after graduation.
College Progression by Graduating Class – Data on how Michigan high school graduates are progressing in postsecondary education.
College Remedial Coursework – High school graduates taking remedial coursework in college.
On-Track College Progress – Data on the timeline for Michigan high school graduates to earn 24 college credits.
Report Labels
See the glossary for additional terms and acronyms used on MI School Data.
Disclosure Avoidance
To protect the privacy of individual students, CEPI applies data suppression rules to sensitive data when report settings would yield fewer than 10 students in a group. Complementary groups may also be suppressed. In some cases, values less than 10 may be shown when there is no risk of identifying individual students. Please see How CEPI Protects Education Data for more information.