Where do I find...

Parent Dashboard

The Parent Dashboard features school-level information for parents 

Graduation/Dropout Rate

The Grad/Dropout Rate report shows how many high school seniors graduate in four, five or six years.

School Index

The School Index measures school performance in six key areas. 

Educator Effectiveness 

Use the Educator Effectiveness report to see how districts have rated their teachers and administrators. 

Grades 3-8 State Testing 

The Grades 3-8 State Testing report includes M-STEP, MI-Access and PSAT student assessment data.  

College Enrollment by High School 

The College Enrollment by High School report shows how many high school graduates enroll in college. 

Student Enrollment Counts Report 

Use the Student Enrollment Counts Report to learn more about the demographics of Michigan public school students.

How MI School Data Works

What is MI School Data?

MI School Data is the State of Michigan's official public portal for education data to help residents, educators and policymakers make informed decisions that can lead to improved success for our students.

The site offers multiple levels and views for statewide, intermediate school district, district, school, and college level information. Data are presented in graphs, charts, trend lines and downloadable spreadsheets to support meaningful evaluation and decision making.

Data Updates

Data and reports are updated throughout the year to meet various state and federal deadlines.


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If you have questions about the website, reports or other content, you can contact the MI School Data help desk via the form below. This includes any data or technical issues. Please specify the data, report and/or web page you’re asking about.