The Michigan School Index System report shows federally-required school accountability measures under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015.
Up to seven components make up a school’s overall index value:
- Student participation on state assessments
- Student participation on the WIDA ACCESS assessment
- Student proficiency on state assessments
- Student growth on state assessments
- Student graduation rates
- English Learner progress on the WIDA ACCESS assessment
- Measures of School Quality/Student Success, which include:
- K-12 On Track Attendance (Chronic Absenteeism)
- K-8 Access to Arts/Physical Education
- K-8 Access to Librarians/Media Specialists
- 11-12 Advanced Coursework
- Postsecondary Enrollment
The index system calculates values from 0-100 for the school overall, as well as any components or subgroups within the school. Index values are based on the degree to which schools met targets in the different components.
The index system also identifies low-performing schools in three federally required categories: Comprehensive Support and Improvement, Targeted Support and Improvement and Additional Targeted Support.
For more information on the index system, please visit the MDE Michigan School Index resources web page.
The report is updated in late fall. See the Recently Posted Reports page for when the report was last updated.
Historical Changes
- School Index data are not available for 2019-20 and 2020-21 due to the waiver of federal accountability reporting requirements.
Search for a school, district, city or county, or use the map to select a location.
On the results page for a school, users can select a school year from the School Year dropdown. Click “View More” on a specific component for additional information and data about that component.
See the MI School Data Quick Start Guide for the basics of navigating the site and customizing a report.
Logged-in Users
Users with secure access who are logged in can see unsuppressed numbers for the entities for which they have been specifically authorized.
The Center for Educational Performance and Information collects staffing data from public schools and intermediate school districts via the Registry of Educational Personnel. Student data come from CEPI’s Michigan Student Data System and MDE’s Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability.
Information and guidance on the Michigan School Index System are available on the MDE Michigan School Index resources web page.
Students who are reported as homeschooled or attending non-public schools are not included in the Index System. Graduation data are from the year prior to the school year setting. For example, the 2022-23 School Index report contains graduation rate data for the 2021-22 graduation class.
Component and subcomponent values are combined by a weighted average to get the overall index for the building or student group. If a component is missing, its weight is proportionally redistributed to the remaining components. The weights used for each component and subcomponent are as follows:
- 34% Growth
- 29% Proficiency
- 14% School Quality / Student Success
- 10% Graduation Rate
- 10% EL Progress
- 3% Assessment Participation
Contact Information
Questions or feedback about the factors included in the School Index Report:
Please contact the Michigan Department of Education at
Questions specific to one school:
Please contact the school directly; each School Index Overview page includes a link to the district website that can be used to find contact information for that school. Additionally, the Parent Dashboard provides specific contact information for each school.
Website Technical/Navigation Issues:
Please contact
Disclosure Avoidance
To protect the privacy of individual students, CEPI uses data suppression rules whenever report settings would yield fewer than 30 students in a subgroup. Secure users can log in to view unsuppressed data for their authorized location.
Report Labels
See the Glossary for additional terms and acronyms used on MI School Data.