The Early Middle College Enrollment and Outcomes report lets users explore trends in enrollment, completion, and awards earned through Early Middle College programs. Users can look at these metrics by individual EMC program, the EMC student's reporting ISD, the EMC’s physical county location and at a statewide level.
This report is updated annually in the spring. See the Recently Posted Reports page for when the report was last updated.
At the top of the report, various methods are available for filtering the data. The “ISD” and “County” buttons filter by either a student’s reporting ISD or the physical county location of an EMC. Additionally, the “Early Middle College” filter lets users select an individual EMC program. This filter can be applied alongside the County and ISD filters. Lastly, the report can be narrowed to a specific student population. The default setting includes “All Students,” with the option to select one individual subgroup or subgroup category at a time. For instance, selecting “Gender” will display separate categories for “Male” and “Female.” However, choosing “Male” will solely display data for males without including females.
In the “Early Middle College Outcomes” section, the default display consists of four charts filtered by students who received a HS Diploma and additional graduation awards. The additional award data is shown at the award level rather than the student level, since students could receive more than one award (i.e. an associate degree and the Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA) Technical Certificate.) To view students who earned only a HS diploma, click the “Diploma Only” button. Additionally, the “Show Data Tables” option will present the data from the charts in table format below. The bottom two charts, available when viewing students with diplomas and awards, can be further filtered by Award Type. This filter only affects the two charts below it that pertain to awards.
CEPI collects the data for this report from public schools and intermediate school districts. Some of the specific databases used in this report include:
- CEPI’s Michigan Student Data System, to collect student demographics, school enrollment and EMC program participation. For more information on the MSDS application and reporting rules, please see the MSDS Collection Details Manual on the CEPI website.
- CEPI’s Educational Entity Master provides entity data such as whether a building offers EMC programs or the county in which an EMC school resides. For more information about EEM and reporting rules, please see the EEM support material on the CEPI website.
- CEPI’s Teacher Student Data Link Collection in the Michigan Student Data System, to determine coursework progress and completion for EMC participants. For more information on MSDS and reporting rules, please see the MSDS Collection Details Manual.
- CEPI’s Graduation and Dropout Information in the Michigan Student Data System, to identify student graduation and cohort status. For more information, please see Understanding Michigan’s Cohort Graduation and Dropout Rates.
If you have questions not addressed here or in the linked resources, please contact CEPI customer support at
Disclosure Avoidance
To protect the privacy of individual students, CEPI uses data suppression rules whenever report settings would yield fewer than 10 students in a given group and percentages of students would result in less than 5 percent or greater than 95 percent.
Report Labels
See the glossary for additional terms and acronyms used on MI School Data.