The following Applications are available to you through these links:
Educators who have been granted access rights by their local school district or University/College can sign in or create a MILogin account to securely access MI School Data. [Need help?]
State EmployeesEducators who have been granted access rights by their local school district or University/College can sign in or create a MILogin account to securely access MI School Data. [Need help?]
State EmployeesThe following Applications are available to you through these links:
A variety of at-a-glance performance metrics for schools, districts, ISDs and the State.
District performance metrics based on the MI Dashboard.
School-level information chosen by parents about Michigan public schools.
At-a-glance look at key financial metrics by district.
A variety of metrics representing educational and legislative districts in one display.
Postsecondary metrics from across MI School Data presented by Michigan legislative district.
See how schools and districts are performing.
Learn about Michigan's goal to increase postsecondary degrees and certificates.
Delve into data on college credit opportunities for high school students.
A collection of reports focusing on demographics and retention of education staff.
See early services in special education provided to Michigan children.
Explore how children receive early intervention by special education program.
View attendance and chronic absentee rates for schools, districts, ISDs and the State.
See how many high school seniors graduate on time by demographics like race and gender.
See how many students were held back.
See where students are attending school outside of their home district.
Learn about K-12 students by race, gender and other demographics.
See how students are moving to and from Michigan districts and schools.
Student-related data presented in Excel format.
Information on teacher quality, student assessment and more in one convenient place.
A dashboard view of assessment performance for students considered "at risk".
View historical accountability scorecards and school rankings.
See school-level ratings by letter grades and proficiency levels by category.
Provides scores for school level performance in seven key areas.
See how many students meet college readiness benchmarks.
Displays performance data for students taking M-STEP, MI-Access and PSAT.
Displays performance data on M-STEP and MI-Access student testing.
Resources to help education professionals use MI School Data.
See changes in student test scores over time by race, gender and other subgroups.
Summary data on students who did not participate in state standardized tests.
Analysis of students who scored in the upper, middle and lower ranges on state tests.
Historical MEAP and MME assessment data files in Excel format.
At-a-glance display of testing data for children considered English language learners.
Display of testing data for children considered English language learners.
Track how English language learners are performing over time.
See if districts are meeting State targets for children with disabilities.
See early services provided in special education by age, gender and other subgroups.
Learn about special education students by disability, age and other factors.
Special education-related data in Excel format.
Learn if college students are on track to graduate.
See which colleges Michigan high school students are attending.
Learn how many Michigan high school graduates enrolled in college.
Learn about postsecondary successes of Michigan high school graduates.
Find out how many graduates needed remedial college courses.
Multiple postsecondary statistics in an easy-to-use, downloadable file.
Overview of available career and technical education reports
A display of postsecondary career and technical education awards earned.
An interactive map showing career and technical education programs and locations.
CTE postsecondary award earners who participated in high school CTE.
See median annual wages for students one and five years after completing their highest level of education.
CTE postsecondary award earners who participated in high school CTE.
Median annual wages by educational attainment and HS CTE status.
Highest educational attainment of high school career and technical ed students.
An interactive map showing early middle college locations.
Explore trends in enrollment, completion, and awards earned through Early Middle College programs.
Overview of available staffing reports
See how districts have rated teachers and administrators.
View counts of teachers, administrators and support staff in a specific district or school.
Teacher, administrator and other staffing-related data in Excel format.
Number and types of public entities within a district.
At-a-glance look at key financial metrics by district.
See how much a school spends per student each year.
View a snapshot of a district's assets and liabilities.
A breakdown of expenditures including instruction, transportation and others by district.
See assets and liabilities by district and the per-pupil amount of state funds received.
A breakdown of a district's income by federal, state and local sources.
A year-by-year breakdown of how many schools opened and closed.
The number of educational entities in ISDs, LEAs, PSAs and State facilities.
District and financial data in Excel format.
Multiple postsecondary statistics in an easy-to-use, downloadable file.
Learn how many Michigan high school graduates enrolled in college.
Learn if college students are on track to graduate.
See which colleges Michigan high school students are attending.
Find out how many graduates needed remedial college courses.
Learn about postsecondary successes of Michigan high school graduates.
Enrollment counts by age, degree-seeking status and more.
Are Michigan's colleges and universities successfully graduating their students?
Tuition and fees reported for all Michigan community colleges.
Count of awards and degrees by program for colleges and universities.
See the number of student transfers in and out of Michigan colleges and universities.
Summary of activity, enrollment, resources and financial standing of community colleges.
Explore the number and percentage of students receiving Michigan-funded awards.
Each metric provides at-a-glance insight into a different aspect of a district: student body, college readiness, staffing information and other important data. Users can access additional data by changing the chart layout from counts to percentages, where applicable, and examine data over the course of several years by clicking Trend. Note that the years referenced are different for each metric depending on data availability and reporting schedules. The Show Table option breaks down the data from the chart. Click the metric title to view the entire report.
MI School Data is the State of Michigan's official source for pre-K, K-12, postsecondary and workforce data to help residents, educators and policymakers make informed decisions to improve student success.
The site offers multiple levels and views for statewide, intermediate school district, district, school and college level information. Data are presented in graphs, charts, trend lines and downloadable spreadsheets to support meaningful evaluation and decision making.