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*Beginning with the 2006-07 school year, the Free and Reduced-price Lunch eligibility data set has been computed using student record-level information by educational entity (from the MSDS/SRSD), rather than the School Meals Program Claim Form (SM4012). If you are looking for National School Lunch Program information, please access the Michigan Department of Education School Breakfast and Lunch Information by District and Building Report from October 2006.
**Prior to 2009, the Free/Reduced-price Lunch data were collected in the Fall (September) collection and combined with the Spring collection to more closely approximate an October count. Beginning in Fall 2009 with the implementation of the Michigan Student Data System, which replaced the Student Record Student Database, the Free/Reduced-price Lunch data were collected in October and used as the basis for the Free/Reduced-price Lunch count submitted to the U.S. Department of Education for the school year. For trending purposes, SRSD Fall and Spring Free/Reduced-price Lunch counts may be compared with the current MSDS Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility data.