The School Ranking report gives an overall ranking to schools by using several different achievement-related measures in mathematics, English language arts, science, and social studies.
These rankings tell us how a school is doing relative to other schools throughout the state on student achievement, improvement in student achievement, and student achievement gaps. Identifying schools with high achievement gaps is a critical step toward Michigan achieving its overriding goal of closing the achievement gap within schools and reducing the achievement gap statewide. Additionally, identifying schools with low achievement and/or high achievement gaps allows schools to target their resources to areas that need the most improvement.
The statewide percentile rank provides a number on the scale of 0-99, with 99 being the highest relative performance statewide on tested subjects for student achievement and student improvement. The achievement gap percentile rank provides a number on the scale of 0-99, with 99 being the largest relative achievement gap between the top 30% performing students and bottom 30% performing students statewide.
The School Ranking methodology is also used to recognize Reward Schools for the high or highly improving achievement. Reward Schools consist of schools that were identified in one of three ways: 1) top five percent of schools on the overall School Ranking, 2) top five percent of schools making the greatest gains in achievement (improvement metric), or 3) "Beating the Odds."
View the At-A-Glance overview of Top-to-Bottom rankings for more information.
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The statewide school ranking percentile is a rank on the scale of 0-99, with 99 being the highest relative performance statewide in student achievement and student improvement by z-scoring student scale scores in each tested subject, combining them schoolwide, and then comparing them statewide to school on a relative basis. The achievement gap ranking percentile is a rank on the scale of 0-99, with 99 being the highest relative achievement gap statewide between the top 30% performing students and bottom 30% performing students. The difference between the top 30% and bottom 30% students is determined schoolwide and then compared to all schools statewide on a relative basis.
Schools only receive a ranking when they have at least 30 students enrolled for a full academic year (FAY) in at least two content areas.
Components within content areas for the overall ranking are weighted at 50% for achievement and 50% for improvement. The achievement gap ranking is weighted 100% on schoolwide achievement gaps in all content areas.
For more detailed information about Top-to-Bottom School Rankings please refer to MDE's Historical Accountability page.
Report Labels
Statewide Percentile Rank: schools are ranked on their student performance in mathematics, English language arts, science and social studies.
Improvement: student growth percentiles (SGPs) are used for all subjects in grades 4-11 where available.
Achievement Gap: achievement gap is calculated by subtracting the top 30% of z-scores from the bottom 30% of z-scores.
Achievement Gap Ranking: schools are ranked on the gaps between the top 30 percent of students and the bottom 30 percent of students, based on average scale score in mathematics and English language arts. Schools are ranked with an overall percentile from 99 to 0, with 99 indicating the highest rank (smallest gap), and 0 indicating lowest rank (largest gap).
Z-score: a standardized measure that helps you compare individual student (or school) data to state average data. A Z-score of 0 means the measure is at the state average. A Z-score of 1 means you are one standard deviation above the state average. Negative Z-scores denote a value below the state average.
Student-level z-score: a z-score calculated using student scores from the same test.
School-level z-score: a z-score calculated using scores from the same content area for similar schools.
School Detail Percentile Designations –
Excellent: 66 and above
Above: 34 to 65
Below: 33 and below
School Detail z-score Designations -
Excellent: above 0.5
Above: 0.5 to 0.5
Data Collection
The Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI) collected the data used to compile this report. The databases used include:
- CEPI's Michigan Student Data System (MSDS), to locate the student's high school building, district, and intermediate school district as well as demographics. Specific rules about the collection can be found in the MSDS Collection Details Manual.
- The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) Assessment and Accountability, provided the accountability data.